Git 101. Part 1

A version control system is a tool that helps a software team manage changes to source code over time. Why Use a Version Contol System? A VCS keeps track of all code modifications that were introduced by developers over time. If a mistake was made, developers can roll back to a previous stable version of... Continue Reading →

Six months in DevOps

Six months ago I switched gears and became a Technical Lead in DevOps. I've never worked as an Ops before. I dedicated 10 years of my career to Dev. I always knew something was missing. As a developer and later as an architect I was supposed to design and build complex e-commerce solutions. Design and... Continue Reading →

How to become a Solution Architect?

Many software engineers are considering Solution Architect position as the next position in their career path. I'm often asked about Solution Architect's job. What do they do? How to become an architect? First of all, let's understand what types of architects are there. Types of Architects This is the best illustration I found so far: (source and more details:... Continue Reading →

How to integrate with a 3rd party?

In our fast-moving world business wants to shorten the period between an idea and an implementation.You might need a payment system, a notifications provider or a content management tool for your app or website. I bet, you can develop some of them in-house, but in most cases, you can find a tool that would help your business to get... Continue Reading →

ATG Repository Queries

Oracle ATG Repository Query Language, or RQL, is a generic language for formulating queries that map to any repository implementation, such as SQL or LDAP.

Email Correspondence Rules

When I started my career as a developer, I faced that I should do more than just writing code. I needed to communicate to other people including teams and customers in other countries and even on different continents continents.

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